Intended sequence of events: pick up fresh diaper from basket, put Max's leftover juice in fridge on the way to collect a very dirty-diapered Maggie, change Maggie's diaper, go on with life.
Actual sequence of events: pick up fresh diaper from basket, put Max's leftover juice in fridge, unknowingly toss diaper in fridge for good measure, collect a very dirty-diapered Maggie, get the aforementioned Maggie naked and clean, spend an embarrassingly long time wondering what on earth happened to the fresh diaper, go get another clean diaper from the basket, discover that Maggie peed on the floor to protest being left naked and alone, wipe up pee puddle, put clean diaper on Maggie, find nicely chilled diaper in fridge two hours later, wish children luck and curl up in fetal position on living room floor. I graduated from college with honors, people. What happened to me?
Mmm... Diaper.
It doesn't stay crisp if you don't refrigerate it.
It will go nicely with my many, many bottles of mineral water.
You are almost 30 for goodness sake!
Does that mean I should be old enough to know better than to refrigerate a diaper, or does it mean that I am now so old that refrigerating a diaper can be chalked up to senility?
if it makes you feel better, i do stuff like that all the time. senility loves company?
Just be thankful the diaper was empty !!!!
It could just as easily have been the dirty one -- and this doesn't comfort me at all. Now that my brain has atrophied, all kinds of diaper-related hijinks are possible. Nay, probable.
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