Saturday, June 24, 2006

Next He's Coming For You

Nothing is safe now that Max is mobile. Today, for instance, he has pulled every book off of the bottom shelf of the bookshelf six times, attempted to breach the kitty litter closet door twice, found several pine needles left over from the Christmas Tree and tried to eat them, cried when said pine needles were taken from him, reprogrammed the DVD player and the TIVO, tried on four separate occasions to eat Ian's Xbox controller, cried when the Xbox controller was taken from him, tried on those same four occasions to strangle himself with the wires from the Xbox, cried when I forbade strangling with those or any other wires, pulled to stand on three wobbly surfaces, fallen over when pulling to stand failed, cried about the failures, and headed back over to the bookshelf. This was all in the last two hours, and there is more but I am too tired to type it out. Guard your household treasure, people, there is no telling where or what he will strike next!


Anonymous said...

Oh and there's more, so much more ahead. I recall incidents involving turkey soup, nailpolish, and crayons during your first year.

Jabbertrack said...

We are going to use shock therapy... I'm going to plant objects of interest around the house that resemble hazards and wire them to some mild current.

Chelsa said...

that'll be good for Merritt's training, and for his general well-being. if you're lucky, it'll make his hair stand on end in interesting ways!

Raging Wombat said...

I am exhausted just reading what Max is up to. Thankfully he's cute. It would be more difficult otherwise, wouldn't it?