Monday, June 12, 2006

Max Plays Peek-A-Boo

It is incredible to see Max begin to respond to us verbally now, not just by saying words, but by showing that he understands what we say. His new favorite game is 'peek a boo', and he has begun initiating the game at every possible opportunity. He will take a blanket or piece of cloth, cover his face, and wait for someone to say, "Where's Max?"

Then he will uncover himself and squeal with joy. Sometimes it takes him a second or two to find his way out of the blanket. Sometimes he needs to bite the blanket before lowering it completely. Sometimes he falls over with excitement. I think it's the element of uncertainty that he enjoys.

It is then our job (after we have helped Max to collect himself) to cry out, "There he is! Peek-a-boo!" with just the right combination of relief (because we found him) and glee (because we are glad we found him). This game has been repeated frequently in our house over the last week or so. You'd think it would get old, but so far it hasn't.


Jabbertrack said...

Anonymous said...

Just think what fun he will have playing peek-a-boo with Santa Bell(-:

Chelsa said...

what an ominous comment, Granny. Do you know something we don't? In any case, I would never allow so sinister a personage as Santa Bell to play peek-a-boo with my innocent son.