Thursday, July 06, 2006

Please Pass The Whatever-You're-Eating!

Max is getting increasingly indignant over the differences between his food options (mostly goo-based) and those of his parents (way less goo-based). He is still an eager participant in meals, and will usually eat his pureed whatever without complaint, but he has begun asking to try bites of our dinners, and to steal things off the table and help himself whenever possible. Last night, Ian and I were having thai food, and Max gave me a lethal dose of the big, sad, disney eyes, so I gave him some noodles to mess around with. I thought that the combination of different texture and slightly spicy flavor would teach him a valuable lesson about food piracy. Sadly, however, Max took to the noodles like a lizard to a sunny rock, and I learned the lesson, instead. Max was wearing a fair amount of noodly, chili saucy slime after the meal, but a surprising amount did make its way down his adventurous throat, too. Apparently he has quite a sophisticated palate.

On an unrelated note, Max went to the doctor today and had his nine-month checkup. He continues to build on his Spiderman-like proportions, weighing in at the thirty-second percentile, but being in the ninetieth percentile height-wise. He also continues big-headed and proud, in the ninety-eighth percentile for head circumference! He was mostly very patient with the doctor, only protesting twice (for ear and mouth poking), and accepted and ate a Clifford the Big Red Dog sticker as a gesture of appeasement. After all that, he was very tired and out-of sorts, and cried most of the way home. He has been peacefully sleeping for about an hour now, and I couldn't resist taking a picture of his sweetly clasped hands. He looks like he should be in a semi-religious painting, or in an Anne Geddes photo with cherub wings photo-shopped in. I find both of these artistic paths disturbing, however, so don't look for a Max-cherub wall hanging anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Apparently Max has inherited your taste for the spicey.

In the second photo you caught Max's angelic qualities quite nicely. No additions needed.

Raging Wombat said...

That is perhaps one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen. I must capture Julia in the same pose.

Chelsa said...

If you're talking about the noodle picture, I think you have captured Julia in very similar poses. The cherub one was totally spontaneous -- I didn't pose him or suggest posing to him.