Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lament Of The Large-Headed Baby

At Max's developmental check-up, the nurse practicioner suggested that Max might do some of the physical, balance-oriented stuff (crawling, walking, sitting independently, etc.)a bit later than average . . . not because he was premature, but because his head is really, really big (98th percentile!), and it might require greater than average strength and balance to haul it around. If you look closely at these pictures, you can see the slight blur, where his wee neck is trembling under the weight. Oh, well. We all have challenges in life, and Max's giant head will at least afford him a giant brain to help him invent solutions. Perhaps some sort of sling, to bear some of the weight? A lode-bearing hat? A summer home on the moon, where gravity does not pull quite so strongly? Hmm. . .


Anonymous said...

Only those with "head-size envy" would publish such a comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and thanks for another adorable rear view of the bug-a-boo-eyed baby.

Raging Wombat said...

As one who, too, has an over-sized head, I think he will do just fine. Either he has a thick skull, or (much more likely) an incredibly powerful brain. Either will serve him well.

Anonymous said...

Justin, you are an inspiration to large-headed babies everywhere. We, too, can make something of ourselves.
P.S. Thanks for your support, Granny!