Sunday, May 28, 2006

Graduations and Baby Mohawks

Okay, so the following blog post consists almost entirely of family photos from Alyson's graduation, and you might be asking yourself, "Where are the pictures of Max that we have come to expect from a magic number blog post?". Well, he'll be back. In the meantime, you will have to bear with me, or try to find another blog with an equally cute baby to tide you over (except we both know that there is no such blog, because there is no such baby).

Alyson and Dad dancing after the grand march, which for those of you who don't know is Castlegar's ending to the graduation festivities. It sort of combines the most disturbing aspects of prom, beauty pageants, debutante balls, and fashion shows. I am not sad that I graduated elsewhere, although I do like the father-daughter dance part.

Look how happy and relaxed Alyson looks in this picture. It is really amazing, when you consider how much her hairstyle and dress must weigh, and how many times during the day she expressed feelings that were the opposite of happy or relaxed.

Now this may be a more accurate impression of her feelings. Do you think this violates the smiling cheerfully deal we made?

After all, Max and I lived up to our end of the deal, and here is the proof. No, this is not some rare form of Canadian sea urchin, it is Max's mohawk in extreme close-up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alyson looks absolutely beautiful. Nice to see the Castlegar traditions continue. Did you get a shot of the front of Stanley Humphries? The fauxhawk is oddly me recollections of the Canadian loon. Goblin and Edgar send their love. They are partying it up with Santa Bell (and you know the mischief he can cause).