Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Amazing Mer-Baby

Max's Gramps got a small swimming pool for his birthday, and has generously shared it with Max on a couple of occasions. For some reason, Max loves the swimming pool, despite a growing hatred of being bathed. To my untrained, unknowing eye, the experiences seem identical (inflatable bowl filled with water, naked child, etc.), but whatever.

I know I am pushing my luck here. If I want Max to like me at all when he is a teenager, I really need to stop putting pictures of his naked bum on the internet. On the other hand, Teenage Max, your bum will never be this cute again, so maybe you should appreciate my documentation of it and stop stealing my car keys.

I think we were all a little jealous of Max. Yes, we could have climbed in the pool, too, but let's be honest. We would have gotten a third of our bodies wet, at the most, and it's a bit demoralizing to wedge your grown-up body into a small pool, all the while hearing the plastic sides squeak in protest.
Public, outdoor nudity, cool wet water, and an alligator that squirts water from its tiny 'O' of a mouth. Seriously, what could be better?


Anonymous said...

Gee, I wish I could be naked in a kiddie pool and still look as cute as Max! He's such such such a SWEETIE!

Anonymous said...

Hey, very cute pictures and stories of Max, I love reading your posts. But can Ian photoshop a picture of Justin getting eaten by a spider? I think he's had enough fun at Genna and Chicken Elmo's expense.

Ian said...

Aly, you so don't even's so hot right's seriously like 80 degrees...thats like a million Canadian degrees or something. It's hot is my point...really hot. I can't wait for icy soon...

Ian said...

I was thinking Justin vs Giant Poodle, a really puffy one. But I could work up something with a spider...give me a couple days...

Jabbertrack said...

Sweet sweet air conditioning!

I was watching some thing on Discovery HD about the human body and they had a segment on swimming babies and that 'dive reflex'. Crazy stuff how they instinctively swim and hold their breath. Little frogs they were.