Sunday, May 21, 2006

Busy As A Slightly Sinister Bee

Ian and I have both noticed another sudden developmental leap in Max's style of play recently. He is not saying words that we understand yet (although he does seem to have a fondness for the syllables mamamamama) but he is able to convey more subtle shifts in mood ('I'm annoyed enough to growl irritably, but not quite enough to cry', for example). He is also using his hands much more precisely, and is exploring the way individual fingers wiggle on the hand. Of course, these new skills have a dark side. He has begun grabbing things off the kitchen table from his high chair, and I have not yet gotten used to his increased precision enough to remember to move everything out of the way before he sits down. Today he stole a receipt that had a staple in it, and had gummed it down to pulp before I could wrest it from him. I spent ten minutes rooting through the paper goo to make sure he hadn't eaten the staple. When he is on the floor playing, I need to mind my p's and q's more as well . . .

I used to be able to leave Max on his blanket, go to the bathroom or put away laundry or whatever, and come back confident that Max would be where I left him. All at once, however, Max has become surprisingly mobile. Even more alarmingly, his ability to premeditate mischief seems to have increased. He'll see a piece of filth that the vacuum cleaner missed, get a wicked gleam in his eye, issue a full-throated battle cry of "mamamamabababababaayeeeee!", and commando-crawl over to it, mouth wide open to receive and fully explore its filthy goodness.


Anonymous said...

The wild, untamed tuft on top of his well-proprotioned head appears to rise in a direct correlation with the mischieviousness (is that even a word?).

Raging Wombat said...

Hmmm. It would seem that young Max's emergent personality is increasingly Ian-like.

Chelsa said...

I'm on constant lookout for Shiloh-fantasies to start manifesting themselves!