Monday, May 08, 2006

Run While You Still Can!

Max likes eating. He likes biting, he likes gnawing, he likes chewing, he likes smearing food around, and he likes the sensation of a full belly. His enjoyment of food, in fact, far outweighs his desire to pause before putting something in his mouth, to reflect on whether it is even really food, how it might taste, where else it has been on its journey to his mouth, etc. The other day I was sitting beside Max on the floor, playing with him. I looked away for a second, and almost immediately felt an indescribably horrible sliminess envelop my toe. I looked down to discover that my bloodthirsty son had run across my foot in the course of his travels and decided to help himself. People ask, before you have a baby, if you'd prefer a boy or a girl. They never ask if you'd prefer a herbivore or a carnivore!


Raging Wombat said...

Max would more specifically be classified as a cannibal - under the category of carnivore. How much of your toe did he eat before you were able to get away?

Chelsa said...

not all that much. our only salvation is that he doesn't have any teeth yet, and it takes awhile to gum someone's toe off.

Jabbertrack said...

Frankly I'm surprised. I thought being born in Davis, CA is, in fact, what makes you a vegitarian.