Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good Canadian Times

It's been a bit rainy this week (oh, happy Chelsa), but we have managed some well-timed travels around Castlegar. On Sunday, we went past the house where I grew up. I was going to take a picture of the outside, but then I saw people standing on the front lawn (presumably the people who now own the house). I explained what I was doing there, and they invited me to look around inside. It was amazing how little it had changed. They had painted, and laid down new flooring, but I could still easily find my way around. I got so excited, though, that I forgot to take any pictures. Sorry, Mum. Here are some other pictures to help make up for it.

Here we are at the Colander, a restaurant in downtown Trail. For those unfortunate souls who do not know the Colander experience, it has elements of The Old spaghetti Factory, only better food. Ian had never been there before, but look how happy and at-home he looks. I think we're turning him Canadian! I even heard him say 'eh' the other day!

This is a random house in Trail. You do get to see, though, how much lush green foliage people here get to take for granted.


Jabbertrack said...

seems like a fabulous place for some peace and quiet this ... "Canada"

Anonymous said...

Yeah...but you have to speak the language.

Chili...I don't know if this passes as a true Colander experience when you have a private table.

Raging Wombat said...

Ian looks far too at home in Canada. It is disturbing.

Chelsa said...

yeah, he's going native:)