Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Max and Yams: A Love Story or Why Chelsa Has the Sweet Potato Blues

As many of you know, I taught preschool for ten years before having Max, which basically means I got pooped, peed, thrown up, and snotted on professionally. This has led, as you can imagine, to a rather high tolerance for grossness on my part. I have sailed through the more disgusting parts of bearing and rearing Max, always telling myself confidently that I had seen/done/been covered in worse. Until the sweet potatoes came out to play. Now, I have nothing against the sweet potato in its unpureed form. The yam is a healthy, hearty tuber that has all that good stuff that orange food has, and I got some for Max because it is on the recommended first foods list. Somehow, however, it totally icks me out. I don't know why, but the smell of it, the texture, the orangeish-brownish color, I can barely stand it. Max, of course, adores sweet potatoes. They are his very favorite food. He has begun rejecting other things in favor of their gooey orange goodness. Here he is singing their praises.

And here he is licking the spoon clean after a giant helping of them. A pox on you, sweet potatoes!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE him! He's such a sweetie and I love coming to see new pictures of him. You guys make adorable babies! MUST! MAKE! MORE!

Raging Wombat said...

Ah, the woes of parenting. I bet if you added in some blended hotdogs or chicken, it would get much, much better.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, where do you get Natto?

Anonymous said...

Well I must agree with Christine that Chelsa and Ian made an adorable baby. More would be good. (remember that I did not say it first)