Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Max's First Christmas Tree

So we have begun our first holiday season as a family of three (three humans . . . Edgar cat was looking at me reproachfully). We spent thanksgiving with various relatives, eating Mexican food and discussing the infinite cuteness of our son. It doesn't sound like that should take an entire day, but you've seen the pictures, so you know that there's a lot of cuteness to cover.

This first picture is of Max and his mama on Thanksgiving Day. Max likes to eat fingers. He can clamp down surprisingly hard and painfully, for a man with no teeth. (Editors note...Chelsa knows this for a fact...from personal experience)

We are hoping to arrange a marriage between Max and young Julia, seen here with her mom to the left. This was their first dinner date. They both ordered the bottle of milk, and seemed to enjoy themselves.

We made Max go with us to pick out the Christmas tree, in spite of his almost total indifference to Christmas or decorative trees. He was somewhat reluctant to leave his warm house, and to abandon his breastfeeding/being adorable plan for the day. He was a pretty good sport for the festivities, however.

(Editors Note:This post was written by Chelsa this time...not Ian...let's encourage Chelsa to post more, as she has the english degree and can use correct grammar and such)


Jabbertrack said...

An extraordinary expose of life. Chelsa has the ability to bring forth the primal desire in us all to 'be'. I felt as if my fingers were indeed being gnawed upon by tiny toothless gums. The alacrity in which this was communicated is perhaps one of the greatest aspects of her writing style, plowing through the English language like a... plow... plowing English... which somehow grows in a field.

Anonymous said...

Ok there is no way that I can possibly reach the unbelievable vocab level of jabbertrack but I get the gist...Chelsa is funny. And she should be a permanent blogger. I too like the stunning imagery of the tiny toothless gums. But most of all it's nice to hear what is new in your lives when we cannot see for ourselves. Keep posting! -Jess

Amanda said...

I can't wait to experience what you guys are experiencing!