We are now the proud owners, once again, of a working computer. It isn't exactly the same computer, however, which means that I don't yet have new pictures to display. Many of you have expressed anxiety/rage about the long silence, however, so hopefully this offering of picture-less news will appease you in the short term.
First, of course, Max: Max is bigger and better with each day that passes. He has developed a Shrek obsession, and seems particularly fond of the dragon that Donkey has a disturbing romance with. (If you haven't seen the movie, this will be a weird and puzzling remark, but you will have to watch the movie if you are curious, because I am not wasting time and energy on a detailed account of the Donkey/Dragon love story in Shrek.) Max now says somewhere around 100 words, if you count animal noises. His favorite words remain "milk" and "more". He has names for my Dad (he tries to say 'Gramps', which comes out 'Beamps'), and for Ian's dad ('Bapa' for 'Grandpa'). He does not yet have labels for either grandmother. Sorry, guys.
Speck: We took Speck in for another check-up on Monday, and all continues to be well. Speck is happy, healthy, and very, very lively. You can feel her knees and elbows poking out, and even see them on occasion. I was very excited to discover that I still don't have gestational diabetes this time around, which means much less injection/blood testing/general anxiety. While I am grateful to Speck for not stealing all my blood sugar, I feel compelled to add that she is presently taking up far more space in my torso than I am, and there are still about ten weeks to go. I am apprehensive about how she will go about creating more space for herself as the days go by.
Ian and Chelsa: We are, of course, far less interesting than our offspring, but we are happy and healthy. I have been doing some nesting lately, and some swinging of the moods. Ian has been very tolerant and patient, and has never once indicated by word or deed that my insistence that the curtains have to be hung in the baby room immediately for the health and safety of fetal Speck is in any way irrational.