Saturday, September 10, 2005

Baby Room

Today, Chelsa and her expert team of painters will be painting the babys room, whilst I toil away at work.


Jabbertrack said...

make sure the paint is lead based... babies need a good dose of lead so they don't grow too big and eat all your food

Ian said...

Latex of course. But it does look tight I have to admit. When I get home i will post some pics. He has many accesories already...the closet is crazy full. You will see at the baby pre release party.

Jabbertrack said...

Is that Kent's blog you have in the links section there?

I get the feeling he likes bikes, and all things bicycle.

Ian said...

Ya he really likes the bikes. Thats the funny thing about Davis...when we were teenagers we totaly hated bikes. Now we love them. This will crack you up too... I used to drive really fast. Now, I go very slow if at all. Go figure.

Jabbertrack said...

oh I already know how slow you drive~

but dude he doesn't just love bikes, I mean.. I love cars, computer games etc... he LOVES him some bikes

kick ass hobby to have if you ask me, some of the bikes can be expensive but after that it can be really cheap, plus it keeps you in shape