Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Finally more Max Pics

Well, for those die hard magic number fans who have not completely given up on us yet, here is our new blog for the new year! Sorry about the long wait, but we were extremely busy preparing for, and then recovering from, Max's first Christmas.

Ian, while an avid Christmas tree enthusiast, is not a huge fan of decorating the tree, so I was very excited to have a partner this year. Max is kind of yawning and complaining simultaneously, but let's employ revisionist history and say that he was practicing Christmas carols.

Max is smiling and giggling frequently now, inspiring all who know him to make the strangest faces, noises, and gestures in an effort to get a grin. It is hard to capture a smile on film, because they tend to come and go, and to be accompanied by a lot of squirming, so this picture is as rare and valuable as a shot of bigfoot or the loch ness monster ( but way cuter).

My sister Dillen came all the way from New York to bask in Max's first yuletide experience. While she was here, we left Max with her and went to see King Kong with our friends the Lindsays. This was our first time leaving Max since we brought him home, and I found it highly traumatic. I struggled through bravely, and ended up enjoying the movie, although I may have shed a few anxious tears in the secret darkness of the theatre. We chose the Lindsays to share this outing because, having witnessed them leaving their kids with various relatives, we felt that we would not need to be embarrassed by any emotional outbursts.

Max is doing some intellectual expanding here, and is clearly soaking it in like the sponge of genius that he is.

We had to work hard to find a picture of Ian with Max that met with Ian's approval. This one doesn't really have a story attached to it, but it is fiercely cute.

This is Max the day after the final festivity concluded New Year's Day. I think the look pretty much says it all.

I know we have said this before, and we will probably have occasion to say it again, but we will honestly try to post on a more frequent basis in the future. We know that we are the only means that the world has to see Max pictures, and we take the responsibility seriously.

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