Sunday, August 09, 2009

RIP Edgar Cat

Edgar, our black cat, passed away today. He was fourteen, and we will miss him a great deal. Via con dios, Edgar. We love you.


auntie Penny said...

The loss of a pet no matter how old is always sad. He had a good life i have no doubt lots of love.

margaret said...

well this is very sad. sadie and i are thinking good thoughts for edgar and the rest of you

Granny and Gramps said...

He was an elegant cat with a style all his own. We'll miss him. Holding all of you in our hearts today.

Anonymous said...

Our deepest condolences for the loss of your beloved Edgar.

Love the "Canadian side of the Family"

Jabbertrack said...


Just saw this.

If cats have zeal... he had a bunch of it.

Swift journey, friend Edgar