Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Rhythm and Blues

Now that Max does not sleep anymore, EVER, he has a lot more time for exploring the world around him. He has recently become obsessed with rhythm, and has begun trying to snap his fingers, dance, and sing whenever music is playing. He also makes music using spoons, tabletops, and other everyday tools. These egg-shaped rattles are the current favorite -- he shakes them constantly and vigorously, and needs one for each hand. He actually keeps time, sort of, confirming that he is, indeed, Ian's offspring.

To further confirm his paternity, Max is working on schooling his face to radiate salesman-like sincerity. He is getting quite adept, as you can see, and we have put him to work on the task of getting a good price for our Honda.

Sometimes, however, he takes the winning smile a shade too far, and winds up looking a teensy bit like The Joker. He has been watching some Batman cartoons with his dad, who apparently needs to have a talk with him about which characters are desirable to resemble.


Jabbertrack said...

awesome... out of all the toys in the pool he has the whiffle golf-ball

uncle Mike is going to have to teach him about sports

Chelsa said...

it's not like he is going to receive the instruction anywhere else.

Chelsa said...

you're right, Jessi. I forgot that you, too, are a sports fan. It's good for Max that you guys are out there in his life. Ian and I are both dead clumsy, and ill-equipped for athletic instruction.